Thursday, December 5, 2013

Butter Fried Prawns..with a 'twist'

Wow! Finally..I write after a long long break.

This time it is my recent found love in seafood that compels me to put down my first experiment with prawns...

Yes, you heard it right! I have to confess, it was the first time I made prawns at home, and it came out pretty well. That is when I thought, I must share this experience in my next post.

The very reason I never bought prawns to cook at home, was the messy cleaning that is required to get it done! A week back, I decided to get some clean and ready to cook prawns ;) to save myself from all that yucky cleaning needed!

I have done a goan style fish curry in past (will definitely grab some pictures next time I make it, and put the recipe here), so I was thinking to redo the curry with prawns. Finally, after a lot of thinking, I decided to do rather simple and quick butter fried prawns, but with a twist..

All you need are some fresh prawns (any variety is fine..shelled and cleaned for me plz!), some butter and olive oil for stir frying, some garlic, seasoning (salt and pepper), and the 'twist'...

  • Heat up the butter along with some olive oil in a flat pan (a little amount of oil is always important with butter on a hot pan, as butter can get burnt easily on its own)
  • I love garlic, and so I don't shy away from throwing in lots of it in most of my preparations. You need some chopped garlic here, which you have to saute till it is almost burnt. Yes, that's right, butter with burnt garlic is an awesome combination of flavours!
  • Now, add your prawns into the pan. Stir fry them for a minute, and then add seasoning to taste - salt and pepper.
  • Time for the twist - Actually, the twist here is not so twisted. It is just a simple addition of some curry leaves and a sprinkle of chaat masala :-D

Although it sounds really silly, but trust me the fresh curry leaves and chaat masala is the true magic in this recipe. It changes the usual boring and bland butter fried prawns to ....

rocking and chatpata desi style butter fried prawns..

Nice comfort food for your own self for a cozy winter evening..

Dig it in with some mayo dip ..or even some spicy green chutney!

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